The SOLUTION unit is based on the art of engineering, craftsmanship and technology. These services provide the basis of our implementation department:
When we translate an idea into a form, colour and space, we call this visioneering. At the same time, the initial key data of the early project phase is prepared for implementation by means of careful feasibility planning. This where the course is set for efficient and reliable solution management.
Following feasibility planning, the preparation and implementation of all detailed solutions is carried out by the SOLUTION team. Exact construction and production drawings are created with the respective required planning detail within the framework of precise construction planning, in order to plan production either on an internal group basis or with specialist trade network partners .
Work planning involves the preparation of specific tenders and the tendering process, the technical purchasing of all necessary components or modules, as well as the work planning for test structures and for production. Here the basis for quality and budget compliance is demonstrated. On this basis, the SOLUTION unit briefs the assembly team with regard to timing, quality guidelines and achievement of objectives, controls logistics from a resource-optimised perspective and manages storage and handling of all our own materials in the rental pool and customer materials that have been provided or are to be stored.